My parents just moved to a new home this month. And, lucky me, my mom brought me this little chest of drawers she didn't want to take with her. I have a thing for small chests of drawers. When I get my studio sorted out and photographed, you'll see what I mean. This little number is the best one yet. It's a perfect notionkeeper. Each drawer is divided into four sections and the drawers don't fall out when you pull on them. All it needed was a happy color -- a great excuse to use the green spray paint I bought a while back. I'm just tickled to have it all done. No fretting or planning, just one impulsive, "I think I'll go paint this thing!" -- and voila!
Now I’m going to go fill it with needles and thimbles, fray check and seam rippers, and all manner of happy things -- a much-needed respite from dancing with desks.
On a different note, this is what I made for dinner last night, Little Breads. Yes, Little Breads – a ridiculous name, I know. I make this for dinner when I want something yummy, decently healthy, AND super easy. I never thought of my creation as a recipe until I learned that my sister, Julia, had adopted it for a regular meal and her husband had given it the official name, "Little Breads.” Brent has an odd, yet unaffected sense of humor, which I much appreciate and must endorse, so the name is indeed official. 'Recipe' here.
Note to self: Track down Brent’s poem about flies & see if he’ll let me share it.