Tomorrow’s my birthday – the best day of the year. And this year, for my birthday, my list is rather simple:
• Sleep in
• Visit my favorite antique store
• Get pedicure Thanks Merris!
• Buy some strange hoo-ha on eBay
• Eat something sinfully chocolate
• and… Laugh!
I’m off to a good start today with that pedicure, thanks to my SIL, Merris. Seeing as I’m generally a short-nails, no-polish kind of gal, this was my first pedicure ever! So, in honor of my first pedicure ever, I went all-out and authorized a celebratory sprig of flowers to bedeck my toes - white flowers, with red crystal centers. Hours later, I’m still in debate over whether toe-flowers are ‘me’ or not - they sure are cute – toe wiggle – perhaps too cute? – toe wiggle. And the lotion they used! I’m not a lotion kind of gal either, but I'd sure like to get my hands (or feet) on some of that stuff!
As for the other items on the list, they’re all in the works. In fact, I have big plans for that last one – the laugh - and, I’m counting on you. OK, cut the prologue – JOKE CONTEST – right here, right now! Get me with your favorite joke or shaggy-dog story, and win your pick of these pears!
Rule #1: Nothing dirty or vulgar
Rule #2: No swearing (“¿!#*?!#” is fine)
Rule #3: No offense if I edit your joke for not following the rules
Tip: I like dumb jokes too. One of my all-time favorites is:
Q: “Why DIDN’T the chicken cross the road?”
A: “Because he was a chicken!”
Come on, humor me – literally. Oh please? It’s my birthday!
I’ll announce the winner sometime on Sunday Monday. (This is way too much fun!)