A little WIP for today - mystery project in different sizes, with associated 'dog'-tag thingy.
I'm also having fun unravelling the mysteries of the internet. I don't know anything about HTML and programming, but I'm getting such a kick out of figuring it out. Well, I haven't figured it ALL out, but little bits and pieces. For instance -- the link over on my sidebar that says, "Subscribe to this blog's feed" -- it's boring. I checked out the source code for it and compared it with the source code for the Bloglines button at the bottom (because it has a graphic). With some fiddling and a quick image for my new "button," I was able to make this:
Click it -- it works! I know that I'm way behind many of you -- you know who you are -- with the fancy site-design and custom buttons. But, for a girl who still doesn't know what-the-html she's looking at... hey, my button rocks! And, of course, now I want to re-vamp my whole sidebar -- someday.