Here's a fun find I should have spotlighted a couple of months ago when I first snatched 'em up, my fabulous pearly-plastic leaf pins.
Not every project can withstand thick crow-bar-like pins, but aaah, when the project's right, out these babies come! They have a color palette and a kitschy quality that reminds me of vintage Christmas ornaments - or the art direction of that recent Marie Antoinette movie (though I haven't seen it yet). A sewing indulgence. Fun, fun.
The rest of the time I like to use slender glass-headed pins. They're more sharp and easier to use than most plastic- headed pins and they don't melt under the iron. Anyhoo...
I'm about to head into a big sprint, designing my next fabric collection, and I'm in debate about how to handle blogging during this time. Of course, I'd have plenty to carry on about if I could show you what I'm working on, but that wouldn't be fair to Free Spirit (designs have to stay hush-hush until released to ward-off copycats, I'm told). I've thought about taking a few weeks off, but that sounds no-fun. So, right now, I'm thinking shorter posts with pics of some of my favorite things -- though I might just ramble on even longer as happy task avoidance. Regardless, for stress-management purposes, I needed a 'plan.'
So, expect random antique and thrift store goodness, tools, old projects, old photos and so on for the next few weeks. I'll try to throw in some fun projects here and there as fabric-design breaks are had. Perhaps I'll even finish some of what I've started or get one of my patterns printed at last. Or maybe not ;)
Anyone hail from Arizona with lots of free time on her hands?
(The pins were in some random bin at JoAnn's of all places.)