Whenever times get a bit crazy and my schedule's full of one-too-many spinning plates, I tend to buy myself new art and craft supplies. It's inevitable. Take, for instance, these new crochet hooks. Don't they look like candy? I passed them by on a muslin-run last Saturday and had to have them. Ooo, crochet. I want to crochet. In fact, I'm going to once I get through X, finish Y and wrap up Z. That's right, and I'll need new crochet hooks, so why not get them now?
It's the promise of obligation-free creative time that sees me through the craziness.
I haven't done much crochet since I was a young girl, just a few edges here and there. I did find one of my earliest projects recently -- a hideous pink and turquoise ruffled number I designed for my doll when I was nine. I'll wash it up and snap a photo -- add some real beauty to the blog. I wish I had more of my early creations to both wonder and snicker at. I really did crochet a three-foot long banana slug with an "all-purpose hole," which I filled up with baby banana slugs. Who would get rid of such an heirloom? Where is my slug now?
Have you ever made anything weird like that? Am I admitting something I shouldn't? Heck, let's open the door to Strange-Craft Confessions. What's your strangest project so far? If it's strange in a raunchy way, I don't want to know about it.
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And, look what came in the mail, two more magazines sporting Freshcut. Quilts and More has a drawstring baggie on the cover and a fun apron article by Cindy Taylor Oates. (We've met for lunch a couple of times - fun and helpful gal. Hi Cindy!) Sew News has a headband pattern I designed -- similar to the free one here, but I bothered to illustrate it this time, so it's a definite improvement. The ties are a different shape. That's my friend, Chelsea, modelling. Hi Chelsea!
Preview the articles in Flickr, but get 'em soon -- one's a Spring issue and one's a March issue.