Looking at that photo of Charlotte playing with her kitty doll (in my last post) reminded me of the treasure trove of Freshcut projects I haven't shown you yet. Last October, when my sample fabric came in, I went into a creative frenzy and made up all kinds of fun projects to photograph for an inspiration book. I kept the photos aside for a bit, hoping to put together an amazing website with all-new photography. But, seeing as it's been nearly six whole months and my website is still on the backburner, why wait any longer?
So, here's the quick little kitty who dreams of birdies - orange ones. This ruffled blankie is pre-doll-quilt-craze of '07. The weekend I made this, I was miserably sick with Strep and could barely move. The design of the quilt (being mainly applique) was majorly determined by my need to remain on the couch and my inability to pull myself up to the sewing machine. The birdies hearken back to the ones I began to stitch on this blanket, but haven't shown you yet either (they don't have eyes yet). Terrible, I know. I confess all.
But there's hope. I made up two more doll quilts last weekend at the impassioned request of my good friend's daughters. I needed a break and doll blankies did the trick. My point? I figured I better show the original birdie blankie before posting its derivatives. Isn't it tweet? (Love those orange roses on the bed too.)
More blankies to come.