Don't struggle with obnoxiously-thin slivers of soap in the shower ever again! You know, the dwindling remains of a bar, when the soap finally gives up the ghost and snaps in two? Set them aside with your sewing supplies.
Waifish soap bars can be the perfect marking tool in many instances. In fact, I find myself using soap far more often than chalk. And there's no longer any guilt in instating a fresh bar of soap in the shower when the old one gets cumbersome. Handy and resourceful. Yes, there should be some sort of disclaimer here -- test it on your fabric first, etc, etc. -- but it works for me.
My favorite little soap trick made its way into ReadyMade this month, along with a groovy illustration. Like my favorite knot, "the soap trick" is one of those little things that makes sewing more fun. And showering more pleasant.
My next collection of fabric gets turned in this week. And, yes,
that's where I've been -- tending my two-dimensional garden. As soon
as the designs* are shipped out, it'll be a mad-dash to prepare three
lectures and one hands-on class for these guys (attendees -- note the
supply list in the sidebar) for early July, followed by the launch of
Trash Ties in mid-July. Then I think I will fall over sideways for a
couple of weeks before committing to anything new.
Thanks Kim, for your kind take -- this sort of thing helps keep a girl peppy and at-it -- at least for a few more weeks.
*It'll be months before we see the resulting fabric. It's still Freshcut season :)