Solved. Out with the old blankie, in with the new!
Last week was rough. Long work days, big happenings. Come Friday, it was due time to fill up my patient little children with love and attention -- and have a major break from work. Charlotte and I left the house for the day and pretty much wandered around town, with nothing on our agenda but togetherness. We had a good time. The highlights -- Charlotte found herself a rubber ducky that lights up in water and I had a fascinating discussion about dreadlocks with the produce guy, Ronnie. Isaac took Elijah camping that night and I handled babysitting duty by myself -- cookies, popcorn, movie, songs, etc.
On Saturday, I still needed a break, so Charlotte and I headed out again. This time we met up with my sister, Julia, at Goodwill and wandered once more. I left with three books and a plastic toy couch. Random.
At home, when Charlotte was napping, I crossed paths with her blanket and "Perfect!" -- it was high time to finish Charlotte's Drag-Around Sue. I completed the machine-quilting at nap time, spent the evening with Elijah, then attached the binding late at night. Isaac and I took a chance on some obscure movie and I sat on the couch for the first time in months -quite literally- and stitched that binding down. It was exactly the weekend I needed. A bit of domestic therapy, including several rounds of reading, nestled up with my baby girl and her "fancy" new blanket.
I'm feeling a lot brighter today. I've thoroughly enjoyed sorting
through my photos of Charlotte with her new accessory. What a happy
reminder to check my priorities and count my blessings.
Look at how delighted she is, from head to wiggling toes! My kids are the best appreciators.