How are you guys doing this? Getting through the turkey comas, family get-togethers, late-night movie parties, early-morning shopping sprees, etc, etc, & so on, then fitting in a Happy Thanksgiving blog post?
I missed it. No Thankgiving post. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, but I have no photos and I'm a couple of days late in posting. And of course, there are no luscious pies left to photograph! So shall I move on or add my thankful chimes to the music?
I'll chime a little.
"Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
I am so deeply grateful for so many things this year. A bulleted list could never cover it. And my little niece was baptized today to add to an already moving week (Ocho is now an Adam!). My mother gave a perfectly beautiful talk that had me fighting tears several times throughout.
Then Charlotte decided to be a big girl this week. Monday night she announced, "I need to go potty," and she hasn't turned back. I'm even moved by this! What's up? She's just been so responsible about the whole thing. It's her thing; she owns it. My baby.
Oh, I really could go on. Whole categories I'm not touching on. I'll say it's been one of "those moments" (from that quote up there) all week. Good timing for a holiday called Thanksgiving. Of course, I am eyeing the couch (still feeling my turkey).
Before I go though, I must express my gratitude to all of you! Taking time from your days and families to make me smile, bring me to thoughtful tears, send me rolling on the floor with laughter, provide me restorative distraction and share with me sweet sisterhood from around the world. What a magical force you are for good. Thank you dearly.
Happy late Thanksgiving!
Love, Heather