My kids are the best appreciators. Both of them. They have their foibles, but they know how to appreciate a handmade present. I like this. I'm not sure how we got there, but I like it a lot.
My mom made a sweet little blanket for Chloe, with help from Chloe's big sister, Haley (8 years old). Isn't it pretty? Haley was so excited.
So, as I was laying the blanket out to take a picture of it for them, in trotted Charlotte with a sprig of jasmine. Her freshly-picked bouquet was quickly abandoned for the rapture of a soft new blanket. She climbed right up onto the table to demonstrate, wiggling, giggling & swooshing her hair about.
So adorable.
When I sew, Charlotte hovers around eagerly waiting for the finish line when she can hop away with whatever-it-is, to her imaginary world. Makes me crave sewing. More sewing. I could sew her a whole new world if I had the time. And she'd love it all, whatever-it-is. I love that about her!
Earlier this week Charlotte packed up my new handbag (still had a couple of pins in it) for the movie store. She had been waiting & circling till it was off the machine. And she had a plan. She quickly filled it with all the necessities and we were off: Ariel, Snow White, a sash from one of my shirts, sunglasses. She was looking pretty hip too. Comically hip.
Every teenager working there heard all about it, "This is the purse
that my mom made. I like it." "My mom made this. Look, here's my
Ariel." "Look what mama made." "See my purse?"
Elijah's the same way. When I make him a new pair of pajamas, he grins and saunters about. Maybe sauntering isn't exactly the right word, but he definitely swaggers or something. And big hugs. Very big hugs. I'm thinking he could use some new pajamas here soon.
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So, Quilt Market is next week. And it sounds like I might have some sample yardage coming in. It was accidentally shipped to Heather Ross, but we've got it sorted out, I think. If I can pull it off before Market, I'll put together a snappy preview for you. Waiting for that box though.
And I'm looking forward to meeting so many of you this weekend at Blissful Living. If you can't stop by on Saturday, definitely come by some other time. And there's a well-loved mexican cafe along the same downtown corridor (Mangos) and a handful of fantastic antique shops. Make a day of it.