I went out of town for most of two weeks and came back to a backlog of everything. We did kick off summer with an awesome day in the rain at Disneyland (lots of rain, but that was kind of fun -- no complaints).
At home, we've had puppies to train, more summer plans to secure,
patterns to complete (THAT'S RIGHT -- I have four patterns written --
they're out with pattern testers). I figured I could secure myself
some absent-blogger immunity with that news. Granted? Say yes. They
should be available before the month is over.
Then I sat down yesterday with the goal to post a preview of my two new fabric collections, but my computer kept crashing -- probably a dozen times. I finally gave up & decided to embroider something -- on the couch -- I hardly ever make my way to the couch. (Have I mentioned how much I love to embroider? It's like coloring in slow motion -- very soothing -- great for when your computer is on the fritz.) Now I'm set up on a different computer & back to assembling images for that fabric preview. Just popping in for a Hello.