Some of you may remember this pattern from last summer. I wrote up the directions for one of Better Homes & Gardens' magazines. Well, today I have it all formatted for you as a free pattern download. If you downloaded it from BHG's site before, please replace your copy with this new one as their pdf was sizing the pattern pieces all funky from what I heard.
Come to think of it, I reformatted a couple of the other free patterns in my sidebar long about last January. I don't believe I mentioned it back then. Many of you already have the new versions, but if you downloaded the headband pattern or the Freshcut quilt pattern when they were first posted, you might want to download them again for a spruced up version.
...just a fun lil' somefin'.
Every sewer should have a cute pincushion -- or several cute pincushions if you ask me. Follow this link to download the Square Deal pincushion pattern, or click on the photo below.
Been having sweet times with the kids lately. With summer break just about over here, Elijah & I are trying to wrap up Inkheart, which we've been reading off & on since summer began. It's well-written & interesting, but slow-to-action. True, that could be somewhat due to our intermittent reading schedule. We've also purchased The Deathly Hallows on cd. Isaac's mid-way through loading the cds into iTunes, but we've caught up to him and are content with the immediacy of listening by cd for now. - - - Wow, that JK Rowling. What can I say? She really gets it, every nuance. Friendship, temptation, imperfection, heroism, humor, struggle, tragedy, triumph, loyalty, love, purpose, and human nature. She is truly inspired.
On the book front, I also had the pleasure of meeting J.S. Lewis a couple of months back at a writer's conference I attended with my mother (my mom's a talented writer -- I'll have to sneak one her poems or stories onto my blog sometime so you can see). He is a quippy, sarcastic, funny guy (best presentation there). Elijah whipped right through Revenge of the Shadow King and is hoping to get the other volumes soon. J.S. sketched out a gargoyle for Elijah on the inside cover. Now how cool is that.
Charlotte's still in princess mode and she has become a champion knot-tyer. Every day she re-decorates the banisters with interlaced ribbon in preparation for The Royal Birthday Party. I've lost track of just how old I am now that I've celebrated several birthdays a day for weeks. Presents wrapped in fabric, party hats, cake (the ribbon loop is the candle we must blow out & each ring is a slice we must pretend to eat). It's very involved.
We're having a good time.
I always dread the start of the school year though, when our family schedule tightens up and our son is gone all day. We love Elijah's school, but why can't the school day be 4 or 5 hours long, max? Someone should start a charter school with more sane hours, so kids can spend more time with their families during the week. Has anyone heard of such a thing? Home-schooling isn't the best match for Elijah. He thrives on daily interaction with other kids (and teachers) and we haven't ended up with enough kids in our family to satisfy that social thing. Where's the happy medium? Volunteering at school has always helped.
You know, that's it -- I'm doing more of that this year. Before Charlotte was born, I was helping at the school every week. Elijah just loved it & I miss it. So there we are.