The patterns are finally in & they're gorgeous! Our printer had trouble with their folding machine, and knowing we were anxious to ship them, they thoughtfully farmed out the rest of the pattern-folding to another print house so we wouldn't have to wait for them to receive a replacement part.
So there would be no delay, my father & I drove out to this other printer around 10pm on Friday night to pick everything up so the pattern stuffing could happen over the weekend. This new place was kind to fit my pattern-folding into their schedule on short notice (no notice, really) -- and then let us come by in the middle of the night to get them. Cheers & applause. While there, we got the 15-minute tour, Mister-Rogers style. I love machines. Folding, gluing, binding, collating, clean-cutting, kiss-cutting.
Our printer did a wonderful job though. I can't wait for you to see. All orders with patterns included can now be processed - hooray!
(On that note, thank you early birds for placing pre-orders, knowing they wouldn't ship out immediately. Thank you for your confidence and patience. Processing early bird orders all at once is allowing us to best perfect our new shipping & fulfillment systems. And it's going really well. We should be all caught up soon and back to the super-fast turnaround you're used to)
So then, on top of this excitement, my assistant, Tara, decided last weekend to get married next weekend! Now, after being engaged for three years and taking the wedding plans kinda easy, everything's suddenly all-a-bustle. We're super excited for her. When I mentioned her engagement before, she was thinking end-of-September/ beginning-of-October and I was going to see what ideas you had for her. Now there's not much time for idea-gathering. It's fun to see it all coming together so well -- and in such little time. Her mom & grandma have really jumped onboard. It'll be a small, intimate wedding -- maybe 20 guests. Dramatic red flowers, B & W floral print tablecloths, I think (tres chic!). I'm sure it will be beautiful -- I'll share photos.
And Isaac's just returning tonight from photographing a wedding for Kathy Miller's stepson, Alex. (His new bride, Aseem, is a writer for the tv show, Scrubs.) I hear it was breathtaking -- a traditional Indian wedding -- with tents, saris, henna tatoos, and fabulously rich colors. I can't wait to see the photos. I'll share those too.
(The wedding photos shown above are from Kara Peterson in Las Vegas. Kara used a Freshcut print as her centerpoint in decorating the Utah County Courthouse for her November wedding last year. She sent me these photos just this week. Good timing -- with all of the wedding talk taking place over here. Kara, what are these mini-merengue-looking treats? They look delicious. And, did everyone get a diamond ring on top?? Now, that's dessert.)