My social butterfly has flitted through her first week of kindergarten. Her latest friend count is a solid 6 -- all 'cute' boys.
I don't remember counting my friends; I believed we were all friends -- except for Matt Bogwater. (I'll tell you a great school-bully story sometime.) Were the dream catchers and bell-bottoms messing with my young mind?
Here we are early Monday, some of us in our pjs, some of us barely out of our pjs. After hugs & smooches for Charlotte, Elijah and I inspected the inner-workings of the Rubiks cube while Isaac sat in on roll-call with his giant camera flashing away.
And that Elijah up there. I can't believe how tall he is getting. Only a meager quarter-inch to go before he reaches my height. Wasn't he just born a few weeks ago? My, my. I'm feeling the tick-tock this week.