Whether you are prepping for the holidays, or getting ready for a birthday or baby shower, cloth napkins are a great way to personalize your table decor. Expand your decorating options by sewing the napkins yourself -- from your favorite fabrics.
They are super easy to make, so why not?
Deck the halls! Deck the tables! Get started with this simple, illustrated tutorial. Fancy-up and save some dollars at the same time. Happy Holidays, everyone!
• 1 1/4 yd fabric, 44"/45" wide (makes 4 napkins)
• Thread
Pins, scissors, iron, water-soluble or disappearing-ink marker
INSTRUCTIONS (Click on images to enlarge.)
1. Prep Fabric - Wash & dry fabric to pre-shrink, then press. Square up grainline of fabric if necessary by alternately pulling on fabric & pressing till vertical and horizontal threads in fabric run perpendicular to each other.
2. Cut Out Napkins - Cut out four 21" squares of fabric. Press all edges under 1/4" toward wrong side of fabric.
3. Mark Corner Miters - Click here to download Mitered Corner Template. For each corner of napkin, do the following: Using template, mark white and black circles with disappearing ink. With right sides together, fold napkin corner in half on bias fold line, matching black circles. Stitch across corner from black circle to white circle through both layers. Trim excess fabric at corner, 1/4" inch away from stitching line.
4. Finish Napkin - Finger-press miter seams open. Fold hem toward wrong side of napkin. Fold under raw edges and press again along fold line from Step 2 to conceal raw edges of fabric; press along outside edge of napkin & at mitered corners. Edge-stitch near inside fold through all layers to complete napkin. Secure & trim thread. Press napkin. Remove any visible marks.
Whip up some autumn napkin rings while you're at it. It's going to be a great week.