Eight years ago, on election day, I was six-months pregnant with Charlotte. I remember that day very well. I waited in line to vote for about 5 hours—on my feet. I got so dehydrated that I began to shake and cramp when I was about five people from the front of the line. I stuck it out the extra 10 minutes, voted, then headed to the emergency room once I discovered I was bleeding a little as well. I was in miserable shape. It was NOT a fun day.
Now, I always pack water, food, and a folding chair—just in case. Today there was no line though. Somehow, I hit the timing just right. I missed the enormous lines from this morning and beat the rush hour lines sure to come later on. It was a 10-minute excursion.
Tonight, we are heading to my brother's house to watch the results. Of course, it may take weeks to resolve now that the parties have discovered they can ring the voter-fraud alarm and buy more time. Ug.
How to focus then for the rest of my day? We have a big magazine shoot at the studio today and I have a print from my new quilting collection that needs an adjustment to its repeat as well. And then there are the other 88 to-dos on the list. Oh my.
BUT—the most important to-do on my list today is done—I voted.
You should too. Bring water.
Update: You must see this Election 2012 Bad Lip-Reading video above — too stinking funny. "It's like the whole world's a surfer dude and they're all chewing pencils."