The building that last week's Revive conference was held at is so cool. It is a gutted old relic from the early 1900s, a place where they used to manufacture 300 lb. ice blocks for refrigerating food in railcars heading east.
The owner of The Icehouse, as it's called now, is dedicated to the arts and offers the space for exhibitions and creative events. One upcoming sculpture show is all about different artistic takes on manhole covers of all things. Seriously.
Have a look at some of the manhole covers on the Icehouse's Facebook page. They're pretty spectacular.
The property is crusty and textured and fun. Even the pavement in the parking lot is appealing in its chunked up, brightly-painted way.
If you are cool. And you need a cool place to host something cool, then check this place out.
The Icehouse
429 W. Jackson Street
Phoenix, Arizona