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camilla Wright

I totally bought something like this forever ago at a farmer's market at the Biltmore Fashion Park in Phoenix. They were great! Hope they do well for you!

Heather Bailey

How fun! Camilla, that was me at the Biltmore with the Trash Ties. Same girl, same invention, same business, new packaging. Sounds like you've got yourself some vintage Trash Ties.

- Heather:)


Can you give instructions on how to DO the Tara Bun?


I'm going to try the Tara Bun today. I think I might have it figured out!


yes! instructions would be great. I just got my trash ties today (in australia)and would love some step by step examples


Ummmmmm... could you please post some more instructions? I've had my trashties for awhile now and I still can't do that.

Trash Ties

Sure. Tara said she'd be happy to have us photograph a step-by-step. Remember, you can create any hairstyle you can dream up, you just have to wrap the ties tightly and make sure the wrapped tie touches(forming a complete loop, not a spiral where your hair can twirl out of the tie) - see enclosed style guide for photo of what I mean.


When will we see the instructions?

More ideas with details would be great!


This is a real clean and sophisticated look. Thanks for the great idea. I'll have to check out the trash ties and try this out.


Yes some more detailed instructions would be great. Please, help us less creative people! I'm not good at looking at a photo and saying "Hey that gives me an idea lets try this!"

Julene Belville

It never ceases to surprise me how, with a bit of extra digging online, you can discover some of the most unique websites. It's frustrating that more pages like this, aren't ranked at the top when I search with bing online, Ive added you to my favorites, I also have a buddy, that will really enjoy this article, so ill send her, a link to your article, as well. I am certain they will really enjoy it.

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The Coolest New Hair Thingie™

Trash Ties™ How-Tos

  • The Basics - Standard Ties
  • The Basics - Long Ties


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